Good comments on Instagram can make someone’s day, and bad comments can ruin it. It’s important to be mindful of what you say and to make sure your comments are constructive and kind.

To comment on someone’s Instagram post, simply type your comment in the text box and hit “enter.” If you want to mention another user in your comment, type “@” followed by their username. Your comment will appear as a notification to that user.

The compliment “you look beautiful” can be interpreted in a few ways. One way to interpret this compliment is that the speaker is saying that the person they are speaking to is attractive, and they find them physically pleasing. Another way to interpret this compliment is to say that the person looks good, or put together. This could mean that they are well-dressed, or have done their makeup and hair well.

“You’re amazing! I don’t know how you do it all.”“You’re so talented! I wish I could be like you.”“You’re such a hard worker! I really admire that about you.”“You’re such a kind person! I always enjoy being around you.

Commenting elegantly is all about taking the time to craft your words in a way that shows respect for both the author and your audience. It’s also important to be clear and concise so that your comment adds value without being too long or complicated.

To comment on a post, first, click on the “comment” link under the post. This will bring up a text box where you can type your comment. When you’re done, click “Post Comment.” Your comment will then appear below the post.

To comment on a friend’s post, simply click the “Comment” link under the post. Type your comment into the text box, and then click “Post Comment.

To comment on a friend’s post, simply click on the “Comment” link under the post. This will bring up a text box where you can type in your comment. When you’re finished, click on the “Post Comment” button to submit your comment.

There are a few ways to comment on Quora. You can reply to another person’s answer, or you can add your own answer to a question. If you want to add a comment to an answer, click the “comment” link under the answer. You can also add a comment to a question by clicking the “Add a comment” link at the bottom of the question.

A good compliment is something that is genuine and specific. It should make the person feel good about themselves, without being too personal or over-the-top.