Are you tired of Telegram syncing your contacts? Do you want to delete the synced contacts on Telegram?

Telegram is a messaging platform, and one permission it requires is access to your contacts. If you grant Telegram access to your contacts, it will sync your contacts on Telegram to make your communication convenient.

However, you can delete a particular contact or all the synced contacts and turn off the sync feature.

We will cover the steps for deleting a single contact on Telegram. Next, we will see the steps for deleting all the synced contacts and disabling Telegram from automatically syncing your contacts. Sounds good? Read on.

Why Are My Contacts on Telegram?

Telegram connects people globally to communicate via private messages and in Telegram groups.

  • Why Are My Contacts on Telegram?How To Delete a Contact on TelegramHow To Delete All Synced ContactsHow To Turn Off Contacts on TelegramConclusion

When installing Telegram, you may have granted Telegram permission to access your contacts. If you did, Telegram synced your contacts to find those on Telegram, which is why you can see your contacts are on Telegram.

Telegram syncs contacts to enhance your communication with your contacts, but if you are uncomfortable with it, you can delete the synced contacts and turn off the feature.

How To Delete a Contact on Telegram

When you open your Telegram and access the contacts, you will find all the synced contacts and those you’ve added from Telegram.

Suppose you only want to delete a single contact from Telegram; here’s how to achieve that:

  • Open your Telegram application.
  • Click on the hamburger icon on the left to open the settings page.
  • Click on the “Contacts” option.
  • Locate the contact you want to delete and tap on it.
  • Once on the chat window, click on the profile option at the top.
  • Click the three dots at the top.
  • On the menu options that appear, tap the “Delete Contact” option.
  • Click the “Delete” button.

The contact is now removed from your Telegram.

How To Delete All Synced Contacts

So far, we’ve seen how to delete a single contact from your Telegram. However, when you have all your contacts synced, the best approach is to delete them before you turn off the sync feature.

  • Open Telegram on your phone.
  • Click the hamburger icon at the top.
  • Click on the “Settings” option.
  • Tap on the “Privacy and security” option.
  • Locate the section for “Contacts” and click on “Delete Synced Contacts”.
  • On the confirmation prompt, click the “Delete” option to finalize the action.

All your synced contacts are now deleted from Telegram. However, we must turn off contacts on Telegram to avoid them syncing again later.

How To Turn Off Contacts on Telegram

The best way to turn off Telegram contacts is to disable the sync feature. By doing so, even when you add new contacts in the future, Telegram won’t automatically sync them.

  • Open your Telegram application.
  • Click on the hamburger icon at the top.
  • Tap on the “Settings” option.
  • Click the “Privacy and security” option.
  • Scroll down to “Contacts” and disable the “Sync contacts”.

Once that is turned off, Telegram won’t sync your contacts in the future.

The only contacts you will have on Telegram are those you choose to add. So, even if your contacts are on Telegram, they won’t appear on your Telegram unless you decide to add them when you want to message them.


Telegram automatically syncs contacts if you permit access to your phone’s contacts.

You can disable the sync feature from your Telegram settings if you don’t want Telegram to sync your contacts.

This guide has detailed the steps to delete a contact on Telegram, delete all synced contacts, and turn off the sync feature.