After receiving a lot of criticism from users after WhatsApp renewed its new privacy policy, users are moving to Signal and Telegram permanently. Facebook-owned WhatsApp has implemented a new privacy policy for the users that requires all the permissions to run the app properly which isn’t acceptable at all. Whereas Signal offers end-to-end encryption with no data leakage and that’s why WhatsApp users moving to Signal. Meanwhile, Telegram has its own userbase and also offers encrypted privacy with plenty of features. Now, Telegram users are want to Transfer Chat History from WhatsApp to Telegram.

If you’re also one of them, there is good news for you. If in case, you’ve already deleted your WhatsApp account and moving to the Telegram app or preparing yourself to move to Telegram from WhatsApp, then you should read this full article to know more about it. Both Signal and Telegram are the best alternatives for WhatsApp right now. Recently, Telegram has featured the new message history import tool on its iOS app. This particular feature comes with version 7.4 of the Telegram app. It basically helps the Telegram users to move their chat history from other apps like WhatsApp, Line, KakaoTalk to Telegram.

Why Should You Transfer WhatsApp Chats to Telegram?

Well, the answer is simple. Once you delete your WhatsApp account, your previous chats will come in handy on Telegram to get all the data intact. Therefore, you don’t need to start a new chat with the particular contact further after moving to the Telegram app. However, if you want to keep both the WhatsApp and Telegram app on your device, you can still transfer your personal chats from WhatsApp to Telegram for complete access to your chats on both platforms.

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How to Transfer Chat History from WhatsApp to Telegram

Transferring WhatsApp chats to Telegram wasn’t possible before. But it seems that Telegram has managed to grab more attention from the WhatsApp users by including this chat transfer feature. As it’s one of the helpful options for Telegram users, more and more users will transfer to Telegram in the future & they’ll be able to transfer chats too. Telegram uses a server-client MTProto encryption protocol for the end-to-end encryption.

It additionally, features secret chats, self-destructing messages, chat themes, group privacy, link sharing, group admin rights, and more. Now, coming to the topic, you can use the chat import tool on your Telegram mobile app by following the steps below.

For Android:

  • Open WhatsApp on your device.
  • Go to the specific chat that you want to transfer to Telegram.
  • Once the chat opened, Tap on the three-dots icon from the top-right corner.
  • Tap on More > Select Export chat.
  • Now, a pop-up will appear to select include media or without the media.
  • It depends on you that whether you want to export the chat with media files or not.
  • Once selected, the Share sheet will open.
  • Choose Telegram from the list.
  • Tap on the recipient’s chat on Telegram.


  • Finally, tap on Import and wait for the transfer to complete.

For iOS:

  • Open WhatsApp on your device.
  • Swipe the specific chat from right to left that you want to transfer to Telegram.
  • Now, tap on More (three-dots icon) > Select Export chat.
  • It’ll ask you to select Attach Media or Without Media option.
  • It depends on you that whether you want to export the chat with media files or not.
  • Once selected, the Share sheet will appear.
  • Next, tap on the Telegram app icon from the list.
  • Tap on the particular recipient’s chat on Telegram where you want to transfer the chat.
  • Finally, tap on Import and wait for the transfer to complete.
  • Enjoy!

Supported Formats and Limits on Telegram

You can send chat messages, voice messages, emojis, GIFs, stickers, animated stickers, files, contacts, location, etc. You can send up to 2GB of files once at a time on Telegram.

That’s it, guys. We assume now you’re ready to use your Telegram app with your existing WhatsApp chat history without any issue. If you’ve any queries, let us know in the comment below.